The Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan

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Those who knew the psychological effect that comes from objects therefore always avoided getting old objects, however beautiful and precious. They always bought a new object for their use. Of course one cannot do this with jewels. They have to be old, but most often one finds that jewels have more effect upon a person, on his character, on his life, on his affairs, on his environment, than anything else. One may obtain a pearl which could bring good luck of every kind from the moment the jewel was bought, or it may produce a contrary effect. Very often a person does not think of it, yet the effect is just the same; it is continual. Besides this, what one wears has an effect upon one's health, on one's condition of mind, on one's feeling. If it is a jewel it may have the voice of thousands of years. As old as a jewel is, so much traditions does it have behind it, and it explains it. Intuitive persons who are sensitive and feeling can easily perceive the vibrations of old stones; it seems as if they speak to them.
