The Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan

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When we stand in the physical world there is dignity to be considered. I am content with anything simple. Give me a hut of straw to speak in; I shall be glad to do so, I shall be quite content. But will your sense of dignity be content to imagine the Message of love, harmony, and beauty given in a garage? It is not at all desired by us that it must be made like a palace of Pharaoh, nor is it necessary. But at the same time we must not spare to contribute, to add to it beauty in whatever form we may be able to give it. For it will remain on the plane of the earth a little souvenir: a souvenir of your devotion for the Cause, a souvenir of that struggle and fight through which you have to go and are going in this pioneer work, that people will see your devotion after centuries, how you worked for it even on the physical plane, proving your devotion by having constructed that building on the spiritual plane also.
