The Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan

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Q. What to say to such a one? A. It is very difficult. Therefore that tendency of rejecting, dislikes, prejudices, it is that tendency which must be conquered. It gives such a mastery. I remember my own experience once that in the school my teacher said that there was a tree whose leaves are very good for a person. They purify the blood. That did not interest me. "But," he said, "it is so bitter that you cannot drink it, nor taste it, nor touch it." I thought, "I think I can!" I did not care for the medicine, only I thought, "Cannot, no one can!" I went home and gathered leaves, and everybody could not understand why I was gathering the leaves. It is more bitter than the water in the sea. I drank it, and my satisfaction was that I did not even make a face. I was not tired of it, I continued for five, six days.
