The Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan

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Q. Would we receive the curses of people as well as the blessings? A. Yes. One should always think that life is an opportunity. Every moment is an opportunity. Sometimes one can do good by not troubling oneself much; it is just by seizing the opportunity. If one is attentive and brings some pleasure and happiness, it is not always that it costs. What it costs is attention, if one keeps one's attention fixed upon that idea, and one is constantly seeking where one can do some little good to another. By giving one's place in a bus or tramcar, by just having a little consideration for the aged, a little consideration for someone who is perhaps not honored or respected - if one can offer what a person is lacking in his life, without knowing, that is always a great help. To do good is the work of the sage. Sometimes people become over-enthusiastic, which does harm. It is a spell, a fit of goodness. That does no good. The real goodness is that which comes spontaneously. A thief is always on the lookout to rob something; so a good person is always looking for an opportunity to do good. He will always find it.
