The Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan

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That person feels the pleasure, the displeasure of his fellowmen without having spoken, that person can understand. If there is a smile outwardly and a cry inside, he hears it; and that person understands if there are tears outside and inside there is nothing. You may ask, "Is that faculty to be cultivated, and if it is to be cultivated in what manner?" I will answer, "Yes. A sympathetic person who has taken a spiritual path will naturally progress and that faculty will develop. But what is most necessary before wanting to develop that faculty is that one's life has become true. It is sincerity, trueness, good living, a quieter thought, which prepare man for the voice which is within. But with all this goodness every person is not spiritually inclined, every person does not concentrate his mind towards that ideal which is necessary; he will still be, so to speak, blocked, not open to receive and hear the voice."
