The Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan

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And now you will ask me: in what way this realization is to be brought about? The first thing is that one must learn in every little thing in life the way of unlearning. For the difficulty in my own work I find greatly when a person comes to me and says: "Now so far I have learnt, will you add to my knowledge more?" And in my heart I say: the more you have learnt, the worse it is for me. And if I would like to add to it, it would not be adding, it would be taking away from it in order that I may unburden you from all you have learnt, that you may be able to unlearn first, and that through this unlearning what will come will be the true learning. But one might say: "Then is it all useless for us to learn what we learn in life?" And the answer is: "No, it is all useful, but for what? For that object which you are searching after.
