The Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan

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The scientists of today have admitted the fact that all the skin of man is changed in so many years, and they have been able to discover that each atom of man's constitution changes so many times in life, renewing his body each time. If the body is subject to change, so is the mind and these are the only identification of man's person. Again, in our food and drink we live upon so many small lives, and so many lives, small germs, live upon us, dwelling in our blood, veins, tubes, and in the skin, all of which constitutes our individuality. Again, in the mind our every thought and feeling is as alive as we, even such beings as the elementals, demons and angels, which are created within us, from us, and yet may as fittingly be called individuals as we. So in the end of the examination it is hard to find whether we exist as one or as many.
