The Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan

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In our dreams all the inhabitants of our mind resurrect, forming a world within ourselves. We see things and beings, a friend, a foe, an animal, a bird, and they come from nowhere, but are created out of our own selves. This shows that the mind Or an individual constitutes a world in itself, which is created and destroyed by the conscious or unconscious action of the will, which has two aspects, intention and accident. We experience ourselves in this world of mind even while awake, but the contrast between the world within and without makes the world without concrete and the world within inconcrete. Someone may ask: "If all that we see in the dream are we ourselves, then why do we see, even in the dream, ourselves as an identity, separate from all other things before us in the dream?" The answer is: "Because the soul is deluded by our external form, and this picture it recognizes as I, and all other images and forms manifesting before it in the dream stand in contrast to this I; therefore the soul recognizes them as others than I."
