The Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan

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There was an old man who was always crying and lamenting, saying, "I am so unhappy, my life is so hard, every day toil and labor! It would be better if I were dead." Every day he lamented in this way and called upon death to come and take him. One day Azrael, the angel of death, appeared and said to him, "You have called me so often, now I am come to take you with me." The old man said, "Not yet! I am an old man, pray grant me only a few days more of life !" The angel of death said, "No. You have so often asked to die, and now you must come to Allah." The old man said, "Wait a little while. Let me stay here a little longer." But the angel of death said, "Not one moment more", and he carried him off.
