The Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan

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Hearing this moved Leila beyond description. She said she would go, and drawing near the tree she saw Majnun turned almost into the tree. Flesh and blood had already wasted, and the skin and bone that remained, by contact with the tree, had become like its branches. Leila called him aloud, "Majnun? He answered, "Leila!" She said, "I am here as I promised, O Majnun." He answered, "I am Leila." She said, "Majnun, come to your senses. I am Leila. Look at me." Majnun said, "Are you Leila? Then I am not", and he was dead. Leila, seeing this perfection in love, could not live a single moment more. She at the same time cried the name of Majnun and fell down and died.
