The Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan

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  • The mystic can see from the point of view of everyone else as well as from his own, which may be quite the contrary. For instance, in his teachings Christ says, "If anyone asks you for your coat, give him your overcoat also." A worldly man will say, "It is not practical; if someone asked this of me every day I would be continually buying new coats!" Yet at the same time it is more than practical from the point of view of the Master, for according to his view we cannot give anything, in whatever form, without getting it back in some way or other. Pure thought, good will, our service, our time, whatever we give, is never lost. It comes back to us according to our willingness to give; it comes back to us a thousandfold. That is why one is never the loser by being generous; one only gains.
