The Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan

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Man's form can be divided into two parts, the head and the body; one part is for action, the other for thought. Therefore the face can explain the attitude of mind and depict the nature and character more fully than the body and its movements. Every little movement of the eyes, the movements of the lips in smiling or in laughter, the movements of the eyebrows or of the head itself explain the condition of the mind.

  • The ends of the eyebrows turning upwards denotes egoism and shrewdness.
  • The puckering of the lips suggests pleasure, as the twitching of the lips shows a tendency to humor or indicates pleasure.
  • The rolling of the eyes or a restless movement suggests confusion.
  • The movement of the eyes towards the outer corners denotes a clever brain.
  • The puffing of the cheeks denotes joy, the drawing in sorrow.
