The Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan

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Before describing this life, I must explain why it is necessary. Why should one not always be 'in the world?' Why the necessity for retirement at the last part of life . This retirement is only too necessary. In the first place, the man has given up all his life, all his time, all his energy, to the study of worldly things; secondly, he has done all this in the interests of his family, or, perhaps for many people around him. It is right that he should have a rest some day. We ourselves feel justified in resting when Saturday comes, so why should he not have his Sunday after working all his life - a life that is nothing but continual conflict through every moment - proving himself to be wise, and kind and gentle, true, honest, virtuous through it all testing as it does his patience, his virtue, through all the temptations to which he is exposed, through all life's dangers, and difficulties, and humiliations and responsibilities that have to be faced, this man is justified, on reaching the fourth stage of life, in having a little peace - no worries or responsibilities of business, or profession, or even his family. The world should leave him alone to think and meditate and let his muscles, bones, body and mind be at rest.
