The Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan

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Q. How can one help at the same time that person who is doing harm, who does not understand our kindness? A. Love is a conqueror, and in the end he will conquer. It is not only the person outside that love will conquer, but it will conquer the self, the one who loves, the conquering of which is the conquering of the Kingdom of God. The power of love is penetrating: nothing can resist it in the end. And by giving kindness we have not lost anything. It is an element which is never lessened, it is a treasure which is divine. When we see whether the person is worthy or unworthy, in that case we limit our love in a channel. But when we allow that feeling of kindness to flow, then it will develop into a continual flowing condition. And then kindness will work out its destiny without any intention on our part. It is something that one must learn one's whole life. God bless you.
